Science-Arts / Wissenschaft-Kunst

Daylight Academy, Annual conference (2023), EPFL Lausanne Rolex Center: Workshop “Visual Mediations – practicing daylight. “How science and art measure and frame what comes to light”, by Dr. Christian Della Giustina, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL London, UK / University of the Arts Utrecht, The Netherlands & Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling, ETH Zurich.

Museum of Electronic Arts HeK. Basel, Switzerland (2018) Forest Talks - What does the forest say? And what do philosophy, science and art have to say about it? Keynote lectures and podium discussion with Emanuele Coccia (Philosopher and author) and Andreas Rigling. Moderator: Yvonne Volkhart.

Rigling A (2017) Vorwort. In: Mäder M, Rickli H, Volkart Y (Eds.) Kunst, Wissenschaft, Natur – Zur Ästhetik und Epistemiologie der künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Naturbeobachtung. Transcript Verlag.

Rigling A, Schaub M, Waldner P (2016) New Variations. In: Scott G, Hediger I (Eds) Recomposing Arts and Science. Artists in Labs. De Gruyter, pp: 268.

MONTREUX Jazz Festival, Switzerland (2015) “You are variations - We are the trees“: Concert and presentation on art and science. Artistic concept: Christina Della Giustina, Scientific framing: A. Rigling.

COP21 - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 21st Conference of the Parties (2015) Official artistic contribution of Switzerland: (in)visible transitions. Acoustic and visual interpretation of the water cycles in trees growing in four different climate zones. Artistic concept: Christina Della Giustina, Scientific framing: A. Rigling. Botanical Garden of the University of Zurich.