Invited talks/key notes

In the past years more than 60 invited talks and presentations at international conferences and stakeholder events

Vorträge auf Einladung

In den vergangenen Jahren mehr als 60 Vorträge und Präsentationen auf Einladung an internationalen Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen für Praktiker (Stakeholdergruppen)

e.g. / z.B.

  • Waldeigentümerverband Schaffhausen, Schleitheim, Switzerland (2022) Invited keynote on «Impact of climate change on European forests». (in German).
  • Gemeinde Avers, Grisons, Switzerland (2022) Public presentation on «Forest dynamics, land-use history and future development of the forests in the Avers valley». (in German).
  • Naturforschende Gesellschaft Kt. Bern, Pfynwald, Switzerland (2022) Exkursion on «Forest dynamics in the central Valais in the context of Climate Change». (in German).
  • Waldeigentümerverband Schaffhausen, Thayngen, Switzerland (2021) Invited keynote on «Impact of climate change on the Swiss forests». (in German).
  • Institute of Aesthetic Practice and Theory IAeP, Basel, Switzerland (2020) online symposium - Invited keynote on “Climate change impacts on Swiss forests – long-term monitoring and field experiments to analyze the role of extreme drought in ecosystem dynamics».
  • Jagd Aargau, Bezirk Kulm, Zetzwil, Switzerland (2020) Invited keynote on «Impact of Climate Change and extreme summer drought 2018 on the Swiss forests». (in German).
  • Waldeigentümerverband beider Appenzell, Gais, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «Impact of summer drought 2018 on the Swiss forests». (in German).
  • Weiterbildung Wald Aargau, Villigen, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «Consequences of summer drought 2018 on the Swiss forests». (in German).
  • Waldbaureferententagung Österreich, Hiitisau, Austria (2019) Invited keynote on «Swiss Forests in Climate Change – Trends, Measures». (in German).
  • Waldeigentümerverband Aargau, Beinwil, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «Swiss Forests in Climate Change – Consequences for Forest Management». (in German).
  • Forum für Wissen, Davos, Switzerland (2019) Invited lecture on «How much drought do our forests endure - Lessons from extreme dry years». (in German).
  • Österreichische Forsttagung, Seckau, Austria (2019) Invited keynote on «Forest production - Fit for climate change?». (in German).
  • Scoping Meeting «CH2018 Impacts, Bern, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on “Weather extremes - drivers of future forest development». (in German).
  • International conference TRACE, Caserta, Italy (2019) Invited opening-keynote on «Growth responses of Swiss forests to environmental change – Hotspots, Extremes, Trends, Measures“. (in English).
  • Waldeigentümerverband beider Basel, Laufen, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «Swiss Forests in Climate Change – Trends, Measures“. (in German).
  • Gebirgswaldtagung Vorarlberg, Tschagguns, Austria (2019) Invited keynote (Festvortrag) on «Swiss Forests in Climate Change – Trends, Measures“. (in German).
  • Waldeigentümerverband Wallis, Martigny, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «20 years of Scots pine decline – a review“. (in French).
  • Waldeigentümerverband Wallis, Visp, Switzerland (2019) Invited keynote on «20 years of Scots pine decline – a review“.(in German).
  • Thurn & Taxis Price for Forest Sciences 2018, Regensburg, Germany (2018) Invited keynote (Festvortrag) on «Swiss Forests in Climate Change – Hotspots, Extremes, Trends, Measures“. (in German).  
  • Montagskolloquium für die Praxis. ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2018). Invited keynote on «Climate extremes forest dynamics, silviculture - overview and results from current research projects“. (in German).
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